Thursday, February 14, 2019

Themes in Lord of the Flies Essay -- essays research papers

William Goldnings captain of the Flies is an allegorical unfermented where literary techniques are utilized to convey the main ideas and rootages of the novel. Two of the essence(predicate) central themes of the novel includes loss of elaboration and innocense which tie into the purpose of indwelling human offensive. Loss of civilization is simply the transition from civilization to savagery order to chaos. The concept of loss of innocense is a chance on concept to innate human evil because childhood innocense is cut off as the group hunted animals and even their own. Through the use of literary techniques these ideas are seen in the passage where Simon confronts the gentle of the Flies.The central concern of Lord of the Flies deals with the fall of civilization to the awakening of savagery. The conflict seen in this theme is explored through the dissolution of the young boys well mannered behavior as they accustomed themselves to a wild, barbaric life in the jungle. The concept of innate human evil takes an important role in this theme because as the boys grew more savage the beast that they feared grew within themselves. This innate human evil is the beast that destroys civilization as savagery claimed its position. In the passage the Lord of the flies indicates the presence of the beast within the boys. Fancy thinking the wolf was something you could hunt and kill said the head/You knew, didnt you? Im part of you? Close, close, close Im the reason why its no go? (Pg. 143). To make this point cl...

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