Thursday, February 14, 2019

The Influence of Christianity on Ancient and Modern Greece Essay

The Influence of Christianity on Ancient and Modern Greece Problems with format ?From the earlier establishment of Christian churches in Macedonia, Achaia, Epirus, and Crete, to the expansion of the Orthodox Church, Greece has been a redoubted landmark for development of Christianity throughout the world.? From its arrival to Greece with the first prophesy of Paul, the Christian corporate trust has undergone a unique assimilation into the cultural and philosophical traditions of the Greek spate to create a church, visibly distinguishable from all separate sects and denominations of Christianity.? Christianity has certainly influenced the nation of Greece.? However, it is safe to say that Greek culture has withal had a notable effect on the way its people muckle Christianity.? The purpose of this paper is to examine the mutually significant and interacting influences of the Christian faith on Greece and of the Greek culture on Christianity. ?From the onset of Paul?s mi ssion to evangelize the non-Jewish world, it was clear that the ministry to the gentiles would take on an entirely antithetical form than that to the Jews.? Where converting the Jews was an issue of convincing a small people, otherwise knowledgeable about the nature of God, that this Jesus was indeed the Messiah they had long waited for, preaching to the Gentiles would be a fundamentally different task.? Greek culture, largely authoritative to the Roman world, was already rich with philosophy, science, art, literature, and political values.? Reaching out to this people that was, in so many ways, far advanced beyond the Hebrew nation, would mean appealing to its philosophy and tradition as a rear end for proving Christ?s supremacy.? Greek Christianity was destined to... ...dia of Religion, 6, 95-972 Schaff, Philip (1910).? History of the Christian Church, 1.? WM. B. Weerdmans make Company Michigan.? 3 Beardsley, Monroe C. (1966).? Aesthetics from Classical Greece to the Presen t A Short History.? ? University of aluminium Press University, Alabama.? 4 Carassava, Anthee (2001).? ?Many Greeks praying against John Paul II visit?.? sentence Magazine, 157.5 ?Pope Appologizes?.? Christianity Today, 45.? 2001.6 Moschovis, Peter P. (2001).? ?Socialists give Evangelicals some relief?.? Christianity Today, 45.7 Moschovis, Peter P. (1998).? ? appeal upholds right to evangelize. Christianity Today, 42.8 ?Greece?s churches divided over ID cards?.? Christian Century, 117.? 2000.? 9 Carassava, Anthee (2000).? ?Greeks indicate privacy rights vs. religious identity?.? Christian Science Monitor, 92 (148).

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