Monday, February 4, 2019

Human Euthanization Essay example -- Euthanasia Essays

euthanasia should be legalized for terminally funny individuals on a willing foundation garment to reduce medical costs, prevent prolonged physical inconvenience and gratuitous suffering, and to preserve the dignity of the dying person. Terminally ill patients much put in massive amounts of medical expenses. In addition to costs, terminally ill patients are subject to excruciating pain and discomfort due to the distemper and/or treatments involved, given only to prolong the inevitable. When a person is dying, he or she may bring in very little or no assert in what goes on in ones stockpile home, finances, or other aspects of that persons vivification, but one reserves the cover to die with dignity intact. euthanasia comes from Greek prefix eu gist good or easy, and suffix thanatos meaning expiration ( In ancient Greece, self-destructions and pay heeded felo-de-ses were practiced regularly. In some situations, it was considered straight to pluck sui cide or have a family member assist in ones death (Walker). On the other hand, Socrates was sentenced to suicide as punishment for corrupting the citys youth with his teachings (Yount). As epoch went on, suicide and support suicide became decreasingly accepted in society. As Christianity was introduced into westbound civilization, a value was placed on the human life that was non there before. It was said that only God had the right to take the bribe of life away from individuals. By the 19th century, most countries had laws against suicide, severe the family by taking property, livestock, etc. However, those laws were lifted because they were found insensitive to the grieve families. straightaway in the United States, there are no laws against committing suicide or attempting suicide, however assisted suicide and eut... ...rable illness wishes to hasten death, the clinician should be get to assist the patient in carrying out those wishes, by prescribing medical specialty or withholding life prolonging treatments. If laws were made to allow euthanasia and assisted suicide, this would have a positive effect on the economy, the public, and the emotional and pecuniary contain of dying patients and their families. Works Sited Williams, Mary. Terminal Illness. 1st. San surpassgo, CA Greenhaven Press, 2001. Print. Yount, Lisa. Euthanasia. 1st. San Diego, CA Greenhaven Press, 2002. Print. Yount, Lisa. right wing to Die and Euthanasia. Revised. New York, NY Facts on File, Inc., 2007. Print. Walker, Richard. The Right to Die?. 1st. northernmost Mankato, MN Sea to Sea Publishing, 2006. Print Human Euthanization Essay example -- Euthanasia EssaysEuthanasia should be legalized for terminally ill individuals on a voluntary basis to reduce medical costs, prevent prolonged physical pain and unnecessary suffering, and to preserve the dignity of the dying person. Termi nally ill patients often accumulate massive amounts of medical expenses. In addition to costs, terminally ill patients are subject to excruciating pain and discomfort due to the disease and/or treatments involved, given only to prolong the inevitable. When a person is dying, he or she may have very little or no say in what goes on in ones own home, finances, or other aspects of that persons life, but one reserves the right to die with dignity intact. Euthanasia comes from Greek prefix eu meaning good or easy, and suffix thanatos meaning death ( In ancient Greece, suicides and assisted suicides were practiced regularly. In some situations, it was considered honorable to commit suicide or have a family member assist in ones death (Walker). On the other hand, Socrates was sentenced to suicide as punishment for corrupting the citys youth with his teachings (Yount). As time went on, suicide and assisted suicide became decreasingly accepted in society. As Christianity was i ntroduced into Western civilization, a value was placed on the human life that was not there before. It was said that only God had the right to take the gift of life away from individuals. By the 19th century, most countries had laws against suicide, punishing the family by taking property, livestock, etc. However, those laws were lifted because they were found insensitive to the grieving families. Today in the United States, there are no laws against committing suicide or attempting suicide, however assisted suicide and eut... ...rable illness wishes to hasten death, the clinician should be obligated to assist the patient in carrying out those wishes, by prescribing medication or withholding life prolonging treatments. If laws were made to allow euthanasia and assisted suicide, this would have a positive effect on the economy, the public, and the emotional and financial condition of dying patients and their families. Works Sited Williams, Mary. Terminal Illness. 1st. San Diego, CA Greenhaven Press, 2001. Print. Yount, Lisa. Euthanasia. 1st. San Diego, CA Greenhaven Press, 2002. Print. Yount, Lisa. Right to Die and Euthanasia. Revised. New York, NY Facts on File, Inc., 2007. Print. Walker, Richard. The Right to Die?. 1st. North Mankato, MN Sea to Sea Publishing, 2006. Print

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