Monday, February 4, 2019

Community Service is a Way of Giving Back Essay -- Contribution to My C

some(prenominal) think that community service is just something you are forced to do for school. To me, community service is a way of giving back. I akin making people feel as though they matter, and it gives me a immediate feeling at the end of the day because I feel I have made a difference. I grow as a person each time I do community service. roughly people do community service because they have to, but I do it because I want to. I have volunteered about 52 hours of community service in the READ program at a local elementary school on east 3rd alley and ave S. Two days a week, after school I would pretend the B82 and take it down to east 3rd street and walk to the school. I would wait about 10 min before the children would come into the classroom. I tutored first graders and thought them how to read better...

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