Monday, February 11, 2019

Dreams in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman Essay -- Literary Analysi

Do you ever have a reverie? What is your inspiration? Having a ideate is crucial for people to work hard to make the dream come true. In Death of a Salesman, Willy Loman, the main character, had a dream to be a well-liked salesmanand had strived for this dream throughout his whole behavior. But he committed suicide to end his life. He was not happy in the process of achieving his dream. Arthur Miller, the author, reveals a negative attitude towards Willys style and beliefs. Willy is a man with flaws that leads to his downfall. I share the same attitude with Miller. Yet, I mildness the tragedy of Willy. Miller reveals a negative attitude towards Willys behavior by displaying Willys poor parenting skills. Being a father of clout and Happy, Willy should teach puncher and Happy with correct moral values. When Biff steals football game from the locker room, Willy first told Biff to return that.(30) This is the right thing to tell apart to Biff as stealing is illegal. H owever, Willy then contradicts himself by saying, Sure, hes gotta practice with a regulation size ball, doesnt he? managing directorll probably congratulate you on your initiative(30) In this incident, Willy teaches Biff wrongfulness moral ethics that stealing is acceptable. Besides stealing, Willy encourages Biff to play football instead studying. When Bernard, Biffs friend, asks Biff to study, Willy argues that with scholarships to three universities theyre gonna weakness him?(33) As Biff is good at playing football, Willy is confident that Biff is able to get a scholarship and get accepted by the universities easily. Aside from having poor parenting skills, Willy also fails to act as a use model for his sons. When Biff discovers his fathers affair with the woman, Willy l... has wasted his age in pursuit of a goal that is unattainable and wants to remind us that we should not set our goal too high. Otherwise, we will waste our life and have nothing in the e nd. People usually enjoy the cheer during their chasing of dream. However, Willy cant find the happiness in the progress of chasing his dream. He should have realized that he was chasing a wrong dream and had early(a) dreams instead. Though I agree that Willy deserves his tragedy, meanwhile, I pity Willys tragedy. Willy has no parents to learn from so he learns the things all by himself and nobody teaches him what to do. It is not his fault for having a wrong dream. At least, I think that he is better than people who have no dream. He did strive for his dream and tried to make it comes true. However, he was too stubborn to accept others opinions and this leads to his tragedy.

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