Sunday, February 10, 2019

Capitalism :: essays research papers

Capitalism A form of frugal assemble characterized by tete-a-tete ownership of the means of production and the freedom of private owners to use, buy and sell their property or services on the marketplace at voluntarily agreed prices and terms, with completely minimal interference with such(prenominal) transactions by the state or other authoritative trey parties. Communism 1.Any ideology based on the communal ownership of whole property and a classless social structure, with economic production and statistical distribution to be directed and regulated by means of an authoritative economic plan that supposedly embodies the interests of the community as a whole. Karl Marx is today the near famous early theoretician of fabianism, but he did not manufacture the term or the basic social ideals, which he mostly borrowed and satisfactory from the less systematic theories of earlier French utopian socialists -- grafting these onto a philosophical framework Marx derived from the G erman philosophers Hegel and Feuerbach, while adding in a itemize of economic theories derived from his reinterpretation of the writings of such early political economists such as Adam Smith, Thomas Malthus, and David Ricardo. In most versions of the communist utopia, everyone would be pass judgment to co-operate enthusiastically in the process of production, but the individual citizens equal rights of rile to consumer goods would be completely unaffected by his/her own individual parcel to production -- hence Karl Marxs famous slogan "From each according to his powerfulness to each according to his need." The Marxian and other 19th century communist utopias to a fault were expected to dispense with such "relics of the past" as trading, money, prices, wages, profits, interest, land-rent, calculations of profit and loss, contracts, banking, insurance, lawsuits, and so forth It was expected that such a radical reordering of the economic battlefield of life would also more than or less rapidly course to the elimination of all other major social problems such as class conflict, political oppression, racial discrimination, the inequality of the sexes, religious bigotry, and cultural diffidence -- as well as put an end to such more "psychological" forms of suffering as alienation, anomie, and feelings of powerlessness. 2.The specifically Marxist-Leninist variant of socialism which emphasizes that a truly communist society can be achieved only through the violent overthrow of capitalism and the establishment of a " totalism of the proletariat" that is to prepare the way for the future idealized society of communism under the authoritarian guidance of a hierarchical and disciplined commie Party.

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