Monday, January 21, 2019

Mgt 500 Questions

week 3 Discussion Questions Personal Ethics Aw atomic number 18ness Part 1 Mini-case Read the case provided at the end of this assignment. Then, answer the following questions establish on this case. 1. The first step in ethical decision-making is recognizing an ethical return key. What be leash questions that you could shake off yourself to see if theres an ethical issue at hand? Then, answer individually of these tercet questions for the case provided. 2. The aid step in ethical decision-making is getting the facts.What be 3 questions could you ask yourself to make sure that you have all of the facts? Then, answer each of these three questions for the case provided. reconcile sure that you include at least three courses of fill. 3. The third step in ethical decision-making is to evaluate your three courses of meet from various ethical perspectives. Pick any(prenominal) two of the ethical perspectives that are discussed in the text (e. g. , deontological, utilitarian, virtue). What does each of those perspectives say about each of your courses of action?Make sure to demonstrate that you understand the ethical perspective you are describing and to fully and clearly describe how each ethical perspective relates to each course of action 4. The fourth step in ethical decision-making is to make a decision and test it. Answer the following questions. 1. Given your perspicacity in Step 3, which course of action would you pick? Why? 2. If you told individual you respect wherefore you chose this option, what would that person say? Part 2 Your virtuous DNA Go to the webpage https//profile. moraldna. org/user/register. php. Take the Moral DNA test.Download your shroud and review it. In addition to your overall graphic symbol (pg. 2), you will nonplus a score for Ethic of Care, Ethic of Obedience, and Ethic of Reason (pg. 4). 1. What type are you (e. g. , teacher, angel, enforcer, etc. )? What is your strongest moral philosophy (Highest score on Care , Obedience, or Reason)? Provide an example of a situation in which you followed your strongest moral philosophy. Make sure to explain how your behaviors reflected your strongest moral philosophy. 2. What is your weakest moral philosophy (Lowest score on Care, Obedience, or Reason)?Your weakest moral philosophy is the philosophy that you are around liable(predicate) to ignore when faced with an ethical dilemma. What are two questions that you could ask yourself to inspire yourself to consider your weakest moral philosophy? 3. Review the three courses of action that you listed in Part 3 of the mini-case above. How do the three courses of action relate to the three different moral philosophies? Do they follow or ignore any of the moral philosophies? 4. Did you pick the course of action in Part 4A (above) that is most in line with your moral philosophy?Why or why not? Mini-Case You have worked for your boss for five years and he has gravel a trusted mentor and champion for you in t he firm. Indeed, there is no one in the firm for whom you feel more respect or loyalty. You just met with him and, due to an unforeseen market downturn, he let you spang of a proposed layoff that will affect one of the three people (Joe) who fib to you. Because the decision has not been announced, and it will surely send shock waves by means of the firm, he asked that you absolutely not tell any of your subordinates.In fact, concerned that the entropy might get prematurely leaked he even says to you it is critically all important(predicate) that no one know &8212 can I count on you? You agreed emphatically that he could. Unfortunately, the next morning you see Joe (who overly coaches a little league team with you) and he is telling you that he and his wife had been accepted into an adoption process for a new pip-squeak and he wanted to share his joy with you. He also had hear rumors of a layoff and says, sort of jokingly to you, I am not tone ending to be laid off am I? We could never throw to take care of a new child without my income. What would you do?

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