Monday, January 21, 2019

Environmental Knowledge

1. INTRODUCTION * The aim of this report is to discover the elements that establish impact on their operations according to the principal elements of a alive(p) patronage environment. In this report defer two companies that I turn over on which is The embody graze and Harley Davidson. Nature of business The ashes storage is much or less kayo product. They provide produce product by use a nature and against animal testing. Besides that, nature of business Harley Davidson is manufactures heavyweight police car and touring motorcycles.The fraternity operates by means of two segments the Motorcycles segment and the Financial Services segment. In this report, I give discuss some the important of environment friendship which is translucent and tacit and explain their SWOT analysis on some(prenominal) companies. SWOT is a planning tool used to identify personnels, impuissancees, Opportunities and Threats touch in a business. It is used as part of Strategic proviso Pr ocess.Reason I choose The remains snoop and Harley Davidson party is because Im user of this product, so when I do a research nigh this company, I give the axe know more about the company and about their product. 2. COMPANY BACKGROUND 2. 1 THE BODY SHOP * The trunk crap International PLC known as The body fink, has 2,400 stores in 61 countries. The company, which has its supply in Littlehampton, West Sussex, England, was founded in 1976 by Anita Roddick and is now part of the LOreal bodily group.The embody Shop mission argon, to dedicate our business to the pursuit of hearty and environmental change, to creatively balance the monetary and piece needs of our stakeholders employees, franchisees, customers, suppliers, and sh beholders, to bravely ensure that our business is bionomicly sustainable meeting the needs of the pre move without compromising the future, to meaningfully contribute to local, national and international communities in which we trade, by adopting a code of conduct, which ensures care, honesty, fairness and respect, to temperately campaign for the protection of the environment, human and civil ights, and against animal testing within the cosmetics and toiletries industry and lastly to tirelessly work to narrow the gap between principle and practice, whilst making fun, passion and care part of our daily lives. Anita Roddick. Human Rights Activist. Founder of The ashes Shop, advance that the vision is I just want The Body Shop to be the best, most breathlessly exciting company and one that changes the way business is carried out. 2. 2 HARLEY DAVIDSON * Harley-Davidson Inc practically abbreviated H-D or Harley, is an American motorcycle manufacturer.Founded in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, during the first decade of the 20th century, it was one of two major American motorcycle manufacturers to survive the Great Depression. Harley-Davidson as headspring survived a period of piteous quality control and disceptation from Japanes e manufacturers. The company sells heavyweight (over 750 cc) motorcycles intentional for cruising on highways. Harley-Davidson motorcycles (popularly known as Harleys) arrest a distinctive stick out and exhaust note. They are especially noted for the tradition of heavy customization that gave onward motion to the chopper style of motorcycle.Except for the modern VRSC model family, current Harley-Davidson motorcycles reflect the styles of clear Harley designs. Harley-Davidsons attempts to establish itself in the light motorcycle foodstuff drive met with special success and convey largely been abandoned since the 1978 sale of its Italian Aermacchi subsidiary. Harley-Davidson sustains a loyal blade community which keeps active through clubs, events, and a museum. Licensing of the Harley-Davidson brand and logo accounted for $40 million (0. 8%) of the companys net revenue in 2010.Mission statement for Harley Davidson is To fulfill dreams through the run through of motorcyclin g, by providing to motorcyclists and to the general familiar and expanding business sector of motorcycles and branded products and services in selected market segments. For vision is Harley Davidson corporate conscience and it armed services us to eliminate short term thinking, much(prenominal) as cashing in on the intense demand for our motorcycles by giving measuring stick precedence over quality to save a few dollars per unit. It also encourages every employee in our organization to be acutely aware of his or her role in settle withing our stakeholders. . THE IMPORTANT OF ENVIRONMENT KNOWLEDGE 3. 1 THE BODY SHOP 3. 2. 1 Explicit familiarity academic companionship or know-what that is described in formal language, print or electronic media, ofttimes establish on established work processes, use people-to-documents sexual climax * Work Process The worldwide employees of The Body Shop are creating a global brain of explicit knowledge to include cultural differences. Their secretary of global best practices is founded on sharing and documenting knowledge. They progress business issues from an host of perspectives.No matter where in the world a problem occurs, there is no one right answer but many workable approaches. The Body Shop view knowledge objects as templates of core insights that can be used in any cultural environment * Learn The Body Shop gives the employees on the job training and makes a trial and error. ranking(prenominal) will pass on the others employees. From this, The Body Shop will meet goals and objectives situationise by organization. * cope knowledge The Body Shop employees will pull out knowledge from person, code, store and reuse as needed for customers by e-mail, electronic discussions or forums . 2. 2 Tacit knowledge practical, action-oriented knowledge or know-how based on practice, acquired by personal experience, seldom expressed openly, often resembles intuition. * rating The Body Shop make an evaluation by encouraging overlapping teams to share interests and set. All employees submit a confidential evaluation of everyone with whom they have worked closely. Compensation is attached to the cyberspace of peer family relationship and is forthwith tied(p) to cooperation and sharing of knowledge. Employees are also evaluated on how ell they immerse themselves in respective(a) projects, work with different groups to meet priorities and meet clients needs. When there are lavish close personal team contacts, it is possible to draw a sincerely yours multifaceted picture of an individuals exertion. * T all(prenominal) Every employee at The Body Shop have their own mentor. Mentor will guide them how to do work done well. Besides that, this company will have a internships to their employee. * Type of thinking Their employee must have a creative, flexible, unchartered thinking. This because they always make a new product and they need satisfy their customer. . 2 HARLEY DAVIDSON 3. 3. 1 E xplicit knowledge academic knowledge or know-what that is described in formal language, print or electronic media, often based on established work processes, use people-to-documents approach * Share Knowledge Harley Davidson stoold elaborate ways to codify, store and reuse explicit knowledge. Its people-to-documents approach extracts information from the person who developed it and makes it independent of its developer. All client elegant information is removed and selected information is reused.Information is transformed into a proven, successful root that can be used in the same or standardised industry. * Relationships Harley Davidson use a top-down approach. This makes their employee feel a good relationship between their top management. 3. 3. 2 Tacit knowledge practical, action-oriented knowledge or know-how based on practice, acquired by personal experience, seldom expressed openly, often resembles intuition * Documentation Harley Davidson used a common documentation m ethod acting to facilitate lateral communication.Technicians write up war stories to teach each other how to diagnose and fix machines. Service reps access over 5,000 tips a month for a 5 percent saving on two parts and labor. Field service reps create and maintain the tacit knowledge base by contributing and renewing all the tips and information and maintaining the system. separately time reps contribute a tip, their name goes on the system. * Technology Harley Davidson shares its explicit knowledge through Internet. This electronic system links to worldwide offices.Harley Davidson network connects more than 85 percent of its professionals through data, voice and video interlinks. Customers problems from anywhere in the worlds are posted on Harley Davidson electronic bulletin board. This ask is followed up on with visual and data contacts that instantly self-organize around that special problem. Centrally collected and carefully indexed subjects, customer references and resou rce files are accessed directly through Internet or from CD-ROMS distributed to all offices. Sets of possible solutions are created and sent to customers. 4. SWOT ANALYSIS 4. 1 THE BODY SHOP Body Shop International (Body Shop) is a multinational company which is mainly producing ecological trim and hair products. Their products are solely based on innate(p) ingredients and fabricate according to an good code which is opposed to animal testing. The cosmetics franchise is considered to be one of the biggest around the globe with a well established dis billet in 54 countries. LOreal, the dominant company in the beauty industry, acquired Body shop in 2006. Although Body Shop has pay back a subsidiary of LOreal S. A it still acts according to its own policy, values and ethical code.The acquisition has solved Body Shops financial problems and has provided the means for expansion to a bigger market share. 4. 1. 1 Strength for The Body Shop are * Brand Loyalty Body Shop is greatly de pendent on its brand reputation which is a diminutive factor in gross sales. Due to its unique products, it has come out to be seen as one of the most environmentally friendly retailers. * LOreals countenance By being a subsidiary of LOreal, Body Shop appears to have an increase in sales. Furthermore, LOreals experience in advertisement and marketing can boost overall sales. niche marketing Body Shop targets a niche market. By stating that it is not testing its products on animals and by appearing to have an ecological profile, it has appealed to customers with ethical issues. Being the only shop in the shopping centre that sells ecological products, has given it advantage in the local market. * Charity support Body Shop provides financial aid in charities by giving elflike amount of money from particular products they sell. Body Shops support in local charities and non-profit organizations enhances its image in the local society. . 1. 2 Weakness for The Body Shop are * Slow service Body Shops location, inside a shopping centre where it is always crowded, in combination with the fact that there is inadequate personnel results in slack service for the customers. Customers may be discouraged and might prefer a retail outlet in a central location. * Political rocky political factors in the countries that supply the company with ingredients and the company doesnt have the monopoly anymore * Consumer The loss of trust from a part of the consumers 4. 1. Opportunities for The Body Shop are * Product development Body Shop can take advantage of LOreals experience in research methodology and efficiency in order to reform and develop their own quick products. LOreals takeover can bring financial and expertise or consulting support * The male grooming products The increase in the practice of male grooming products indicates that there is a demand on this particular niche market. Therefore the supply of a wider range of products for men can increase ove rall sales. 4. 1. 4 Threat for The Body Shop are Brands comparison LOreal can prove to be harmful for Body Shops reputation. The public perception of Body Shop as ethical can be altered due(p) to the fact that LOreal is considered to be unethical. * Competition Body Shop can face ambition in any country if a company that also produces natural based products e. g. LUSH, ELIANTO decides to open an outlet inside the shopping centre. * Legal youthful legislation about animal testing can raise the contestation in the so far monopolist market and difficulties in statistical distribution because of the new legislation about chemical ingredients. . 2 HARLEY DAVIDSON * The Harley-Davidson Corporation has been peremptory the motorcycle industry for many decades. Today, it continues to have a strong social movement in the American market. Harley-Davidson, Inc. is the parent company for the group of companies doing business as Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Buell Motorcycle Company and Harley-Davidson Financial Services. Harley-Davidson Motor Company manufactures cinque families of motorcycles Sportster , Dyna Glide, Softail , Touring and VRSC.Buell Motorcycles Company produces sport motorcycles, including four big-twin XB models, and the single-cylinder Buell Blast . Buell also offers a line of motorcycles parts, accessories, apparel and general merchandise. 4. 2. 1 Strength for Harley Davidson are * This year, Harley-Davidson celebrated its 100-year anniversary. everyplace the past century, the company has created a strong brand image and a loyal customer base. It maintains a close relationship with its customers through a variety of program, such as Hog Owners Group (H. O. G. , product offerings and events such as Daytona, motor shows, and rallies. In addition, Harley-Davidson has a strong financial position, dainty supply chain management, and a superior product line, which are enabled through creative engineering technology and design. Due to the decline in the market share to Japanese companies in the seventies, Harley-Davidson phased out its weak models, becoming more selective in targeting a specific customer segment and confine sales and promotion. This strategy created a niche market for their bikes in which the company enjoys a strong position today. . 2. 2 Weakness for Harley Davidson are * The Harley-Davidson company has several weaknesses. First, the company is in its maturity stage and, unless it manages to protect its position, it will be faced with the decline period again. Secondly, the companys products are expensive, which limits them to a specific niche in the market and makes it difficult to wax their customer base. They also have a wait-list for certain products, which can create a substitute effect. Lastly, they are lacking a strong posture in Europe. 4. 2. 3 Opportunities for Harley Davidson are There are various opportunities in the market for Harley-Davidson today, especially with the introduction of the new V-Rod motorcycle. The company has the innovator placement advantage in the Performance Cruiser class market segment. They are expanding their partnerships with various European manufacturers, which should increase the presence of Harley-Davidson products in Europe. The corporation is well positioned to attract younger customers, and the company has plenty of room for growth due to the high demands for its products. 4. . 4 Threat for Harley Davidson are * Harley-Davidson is facing rigorous competition from Japanese manufacturers, specifically Honda and Yamaha. Yamaha targets the low-end market by providing a variety of products at affordable costs. Yamahas core competencies are small engines, electronic control, and fibreglass reinforced plastic. Yamaha is currently focusing on increasing its global belligerent position. Honda is one of Harley-Davidsons strongest competitors and is responsible for one-third of all motorcycle sales in the U. S.It has a strong financial base and rel iable products. It continues to improve the performance of its motorcycles by focusing on fuel efficiency and dispirit emissions. In addition, Honda is beginning to increase its performance in the market by introducing information technology tools through its dealerships. These tools help increase dealer performance and create a more positive experience for the customer. * Financial position Harley Davidson currently holds a strong position in the market. However, it is in fast competition with Honda and Yamaha. . CONCLUSION * As a conclusion, SWOT analysis provides strategical insight on recommendations and opportunities for The Body Shop and Harley Davidson to map out a strategic plan. As an actionable management tool, the SWOT helps the both(prenominal) companies in on the right line of work of action to leverage the businesss unique characteristics. By turning threats into strengths, and matching strengths with opportunities, they can make the most of their power in the cu rrent marketplace and maximize their chances of success.Other than that, both companies and environmental knowledge will benefit from the huge potential of knowledge management if they pursue the suggestions of how to integrate knowledge management aspects in their environmental information systems. A get on winner, and may be the most important. Environment knowledge can help to further improve the effectiveness of their companies. Besides that, The Body Shop and Harley Davidson that roll in the hay and use their employees steadily growing wealth of tacit and explicit knowledge to solve problems and achieve goals have a major competitive advantage.However, both companies need to improve how they acquire and share tacit and explicit knowledge. 6. reference book * http//www. thebodyshop. com * http//www. harley-davidson. com * http//www. e-referate. ro/referate/Harley_Davidson_-_SWOT_analysis2007-10-01. html * http//swottowsanalysis. blogspot. com/2011/08/tows-analysis-swot-analy sis-body-shop. html * Text book The Business Environment by Adrian Palmer & Bob Harley, Seventh Edition * Sir Mohamad Basari Bin Sapar 7. APPENDIX The Body Shop In 1985, in its first year as a public company, The Body Shop sponsor posters for Greenpeace. A year later, it creates an environmental Projects Department of its own, while the first major window campaign for The Body Shop is Save the Whale with Greenpeace, in 1986. Harley Davidson * MARCH 17, 2003 Former belt along director, Dick OBrien, passed away. Dick OBrien was arguably the most successful travel directors in Harley-Davidson history. Born in 1921, he worked as a car-mechanic and racer for the Puckett Motors Harley-Davidson in Florida.Hired by Harley-Davidson in 1957, he led the companys race team to 16 Grand National Championships and 183 individual championships over the course of his career. In response to stiff competition from Japanese and British motherfucker and road bikes, OBrien supervised the developm ent of the XR-750. This innovative motorcycle went on to become the most successful dirt track motorcycle in AMA history. He also worked with Willie G. to develop the Sportster Streamliner, which set record-breaking speeds at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah. He retired in 1983 after 26 years with the company.

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