Saturday, September 28, 2019

Reflection paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Reflection - Term Paper Example Among the services offered is diagnosis of various complications. We also carry out therapy after diagnosis of the diseases; additionally the hospital has a pharmaceutical department that offers all types of medications as prescribed by medical professionals. The hospital is also, of late, establishing a research center. The research center will focus on the trending medical complications such as cancer, sexually transmitted diseases and blood sugar level and pressure complications (Armstrong, 2014). The hospital is seeking to partner with other big hospitals to provide a state of art services to children medical complications. Additionally, through the agencies that provide vaccination, the facility is seeking to partner with them so that it can also take part in the vaccination process. The administrators of the hospital usually partner with medical personnel to boost the services offered to the patients and also help in motivating the professionals for better service delivery. Through the partnership and good relationship, the facility has significantly reduced the cost of health services. The human resource department of the facility has set the hospitals goals, and they measure the progress of the hospital by looking at the progress towards the achievement of the goals. The Recruiter ensures that people who are recruited to work in the facility are well qualified and possess the necessary skills. Consequently, the hospital boasts of having the most qualified medical profess ionals in the city. The entire staff is also highly disciplined and upholds respect and transparency of the highest level. Also, the hospital has partnered with other Agencies to provide community-based service delivery. The services offered are a give back to the society, and it includes educating the community on methods to promote health safety and free medical services to the community. The need of the patients facilitates the hospital mission. Working towards facilitating good

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