Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Protagoras' Denial Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Protagoras' Denial - Essay Example Lee noted that Aristotle criticized that this is where the principle of non-contradiction has been used as a critical accentuation to what Protagoras imposed (57). This could be due to the observation of Aristotle that the good and bad virtues, justice and injustices of Protagoras were found to be so much relative that it would already make the learners wonder which sides could be considered as true or false. Protagoras, indeed, has a unique way of teaching his own philosophy. However, his study could have been criticized because of time before where access of information is not the same with the modern technology. This would mean that philosophers before would depend on their insights and elaborative knowledge based on experience and observational skills. With this, Protagoras could be considered as intellectually smart because his assumptions that were previously criticized are now orthodoxically used as means of how people should be virtually wise in terms of knowing how to listen and accept

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