Monday, September 9, 2019

Future of Work Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Future of Work - Coursework Example Autonomous workers owned their production means and had complete control over their work. Most of the farm products were consumed by households while surplus was sold in surrounding towns and villages. Farmers completed their tasks using crude tools the fruits of labor were largely reliant on temperature and climate changes. Farmers relied on moneylenders and merchants for financial support for the acquisition of farm inputs as well as land. Many farmers were seasonal employees, which was their mode of financing their agricultural activities. Early fur trade demanded high level of endurance with porters toiling under heavy loads. Fishing, which was also a seasonal activity like fur production, was characterized by highly volatile output leading to fluctuations of market earnings. As such, fishermen were compelled to look for supplementary work in agriculture as well as forestry. With Canada focused on exploiting and exporting natural resources to the mother nation, most people were e ngaged in the production of staples, which entailed laborious work. c) As industrialization took off from mid 19th century in Canada, work lost its intrinsic meaning as it emerged as a way of earning a living. According to Krahn, Hughes & Lowe, (2011), the economy of Canada was still basically agrarian by 1840, which later changed rapidly with industrialization.

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