Friday, September 13, 2019

DISSERTATION (Research Methodology ) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

(Research Methodology ) - Dissertation Example As found in the literature, psychic distance is critical to strategy formulation. Accordingly, the cultural attitude and the behaviour of the target segment are essential to devise the right marketing strategy. The students have become demanding and the programme curricula need to be revisited to suit the changed economic environment globally. DEDUCTIVE AND INDUCTIVE METHODS There are several ways to conduct research and the two most common ways are logical positivism or phenomenological interpretation. Logical positivism allows the hypotheses to be formulated in advance and is quantitative in nature based on experimental methods (Amaratunga et al, 2002). In implementing this method of research the researcher should ensure independence of the observer from the subject being observed. In the interpretive method, a qualitative approach is used and efforts are made to inductively analyse and understand the experience based on the context in which it has been set. This approach does not accept the belief that objects of experience are independent events. Regardless of the method used, the research process must fulfill the purpose of the research, answer the research questions and achieve the objectives and aim of the study. To take an informed decision, the research methods will be evaluated based on the purpose of the research, the time availability, aims and objectives, and the sample size including the subject of research. 3.2 Research approach A qualitative approach will be adopted for this study as, in the words of Knox (2004), this approach enables the researcher to have an insider perspective on social actions. Insider perspective is essential to get an idea of the demands of the students and the current changed environment due to the economic downturn. The scenarios may differ across circumstances and this approach will enable to articulate different scenarios while also enable to study the phenomenon under natural settings. Moreover, since interviews will be conducted, it may not be possible for the researcher to observe independence from the subject being interviewed. Hence a quantitative approach is not possible, and a qualitative approach is justified. 3.3 Research strategy Both primary and secondary data will be collected through the qualitative method. This method will help explore new ideas effectively. DATA COLLECTION Secondary data is essential to achieve the first objective, which is to evaluate the current international marketing strategy adopted by universities globally. Data has been sourced through academic journals and reputed websites. The study finds that the traditional marketing principles cannot be applied to the field of HE. The situation differs and other factors such as faculty selection, their reputation and experience, the image of the institution, and the curricula changes are important factors that need to be looked into. Market selection process is critical to the success of the strategy in international ma rketing for HE. The second objective too has been evaluated through secondary data as it pertains to evaluating the drivers of change in the current environment. The change in the environment has been ascertained through journals and reports which have helped to analyse and understand the changed educational requirements of the students. Since data on these issues were available in plenty, the relevant ones have been segregated and the unimportant ones eliminated. Data from

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