Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Cloned stem cells may give you a new lease of life Essay -- Biology

Cloned stem cells may give you a new lease of life (A new lease of life means â€Å"an opportunity to improve someone’s future†) Summery Paragraph The name of my article is â€Å"Cloned stem cells may give a new lease of life† I found this article in the â€Å"New Scientist† magazine. It was published on November 8, 2002. The article is telling us about how to use therapeutic (treatment) cloning to take adult cells from a human body, create cloned embryos (animal or plant in the early period of its development before it is born or grown) and remove stem cells that can turn into a wide range of tissues (a bunch of cells forming an animal or plant. Like the heart, brain, muscles, and lungs are some examples of tissues). When they tried this experiment on two cows, one cow was given drugs...

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