Tuesday, February 19, 2019

World Trade Organizations or developed Countries Organization? :: Essays Papers

validations or Developed Countries Organization? World Trade Organizations or developed Countries Organization?In the 16th century, England had a lot of colonies, which were located in Africa. At that time, the primary function of colonies were to supply raw materials to England, and England can sold all the finished merchandises to the colonies in order to hold up profits. This story is the beginning of international stack. In the 21st century, international trade is more busy than ever. jibe to comparative advantage theory, each countrified should specialize and produce those products if the country has a comparative advantage on those products, and use those products to trade with another(prenominal) countries in order to achieve specialization and exchange theory. However, during the trade process, it may have a lot of problems coming out, so a world organization were open up in order to solve those problems and try to make trade into a smooth process.The World Tra de Organization (WTO), was established in 1st, January, 1995, which was created during the Uruguay Round Negotiations. There are 146 countries as a process in the WTO. The main functions of a WTO are administering WTO trade agreements, as a forum for trade negotiations, handling trade disputes and monitoring national trade policies. One of the main function of the WTO are to enforce GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services) and TRIPS (Trade-Related Intellectual Property). But what is TRIPS? It is agreements, which cheer invent world and design around the world. In other words TRIPS is used to protect copyrights, trademarks which developed countries already, owns most of the shares on these. According to WTO, although TRIPS will bring a short line cost to developing countries, and only short term benefits for developed countries. In the long term it can encourage innovation, uncovering in the developing countries. Once the developing country reaches certain levels o n protection copyrights or trademark, this TRIPS agreement will benefits to every single person. To exempt the short-term benefits to the developed countries, as I have mentioned before, most of the patents, copyrights have by developed countries, if developing countries motive to produce a product that have patents on it, the developing countries need to pay a royal family to developed countries or the corporation owns the right. In this TRIPS agreement, my argument is this agreement authentically helps the developing countries to become more innovation, discover, or is just the industrial countries want more money from the poor countries.

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