Saturday, February 9, 2019

Taekwondo :: essays research papers

Do you know what Taekwondo is? Do you know how Taekwondo benefits the practitioner? Do you know Taekwondo is also considered a edition and is an military issue in galore(postnominal) major competitions? When these questions are asked, the legal age of the mountain who answer do non know the correct answers or the end up answer. Although many people do non know much nearly Taekwondo, there are hundreds of thousands of people worldwide getting involved. Taekwondo is the worlds fastest increment m stratagemial art, with currently over fifty million practitioners and growing everyday. The majority of the practitioners who get involved do so to learn self-importance-defense. Not precisely do the practitioners learn self-defense, but they also learn many adjuvant things and receive the benefits that Taekwondo has to offer. Also, Taekwondo has father a sporting event in many major sporting competitions. But mainly, Taekwondo provides people with sporting and self-defending abi lity and gives that individual an edge in daily life, with its merits as a martial art sport of self-discipline.First of all, Taekwondo teaches the practitioner self-defense, which can be used for a lifetime. Many of the self-defense techniques taught stimulate many real life situations so the person would know what to do when caught in a similar situation. Also, because not everything can be taught for all situations that arise, many basic techniques, rules, methods, and concepts are taught and emphasized. On the other hand, self-defense practice includes doing everyday drills, forms, and sparring. Self-defense training does not always have to be 100 percent self-defense training. Although, you in reality do not get instruction on self-defense when doing drills, forms, or sparring, those practices are just another way of learning self-defense and change your skill of self-defense. Basically, all the instruction concepts, techniques, and rules of Taekwondo teach a person self def ense in one way or another.Second of all, Taekwondo is separate as a sport along as being a martial art. Because Taekwondo is classified as a sport, Taekwondo is sometimes referred to as a martial art sport. There are many reasons why Taekwondo has become a sport. A few reasons are because the popularity that Taekwondo has received is overwhelming, the organized gymnastic competition (similar to boxing), and the push to consider Taekwondo as a sporting event by many practitioners, masters, instructors, and officials of organizations worldwide. Many athletic competitions are starting to or already have included Taekwondo as an official event.

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