Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Essay --

In this research paper we leave behind introduce both cases that are related to the males that who are being pissed by females in the workplace. Complaints by men of women harassing them are much less because that men who feel powerless or fear for their job security. chemise I The Regal Entertainment Group is to pay $175,000 and other healing(p) relief to a sex charge discrimination lawsuit brought by the U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The firm was accused with subjecting a male employee to sexual torture. The company was later to act against him and the executive program who had act to intervene. The EEOC had alleged that a male employee at the Regal theater had been subjected to a sexually hostile environment by a female fellow worker who repeatedly grabbed his crotch. The EEOC alleged that when the then-general manager was informed of the incident by the supervisor she retaliated and failed to take the necessary measures to prevent or stop the harassm ent. It was held that sexual harassment and retaliation for complaining violate Title VII of the Civil Rights flake 1964. Be...

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