Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Moral philosophy analyzes Essay

Judith A oldtimer has distinctly brought out an overview abstr actuate in her book Ethics for disembodied spirit. She employs an up to discover tone in bringing out the well-grounded ontogenesis which makes it informal for the reader to relate their own experience on moral growth. Having explored the moral issues in real life history, this book aims at significantly improving the readers faculty to make key decisions on their morality. Book Review Judith. A. Boss, Ethics for lifeIn contrast to Judith Boss view on ethics, Aristotle held that ethics is something that helps serviceman to be able to keep from error which may subsequently reply due to a weakness thus making him exact a unspoiled sharp life. In other words, he associates ethics with the happy life which is enhanced by virtue. Based on his definition of ethics, a soul should posses a set of character that will lead him into world a better person thus making the people harbour morally good characters.He fu rther explains that a persons virtue has to come from within. His theory is that virtue is a natural select or principles that a man uses in determining what is right and defile for him to live a good life (Huener, 1992). Based on her book, the friendly aspects of life is significant to ethics due to the fact that they analytically act as a foundation for testing ideas some moral development and human nature. Judith A Boss view on ethics is seen as an incorporated structure of school of thought.She analyzes the issue by attempting to explain how a person can grow ethically to be able to develop the parliamentary law by establishing what is right from what is considered wrong (Boss, 2001, p. 3). Additionally, the book clarifies and gives examples on how ethics acts as a guide to moral decision making for realization of a complete life. In her argument, Boss explains that making the wrong choices in life tend to lead to unhappiness (Boss, 2001, p. 47).Various theories on moralit y have tried to come up with justifications and guidance for decision making well-nigh the right and the wrong. According to Judith Boss, moral theory is non barely a means of providing the reasons underlying decision making but it also calls for torso in our thinking as well as ignorance of beliefs that are usually held in common and are not consistent. Boss explains that a good moral theory is one that provides guidance for resolving and thinking slightly moral issues (Boss, 2001, p. 3).While looking at the justification of morality, Boss looks at how moral philosophy points out that there is a higher morality. clean philosophy analyzes and evaluates the principles, virtues and attitudes that are usually used by specific groups of people or culture with regard to principles and concerns that are universally accepted. However, moral philosophy also holds that the justification of morality should not be motivated by self interest therefore ethical conduct can only be accepted if it is viewed from a somewhat universal perspective (Boss, 2001, pp. 100-132).Besides, Boss explains the importance of social sciences to ethics by saying that they test ideas about moral development, human nature and society systematically. She also adds her view on concepts of human nature by saying that they are useless and set off that they could be harmful if in any case they are not grounded in reality. According to Boss, our moral decision making can not be guided sufficiently by good intentions alone (Boss, 2001, pp. 100-132). such(prenominal) are the ideals brought out in Aristotles life history. Aristotle viewed ethics as an attempt to establish the major end or highest good.Aristotle also holds that as humans, our most important activity as humans is the pursuit of good life and since morality is what expresses our human nature fundamentally, it is only when we are be moral that we are happiest (Iloveindia. com). Reference Boss J A. (2001). Ethics for life. McGraw Hil l. Pp. 3-132 Huener. , M. (1992). An enquiry of Aristotles ethics. Retrieved October 1, 2008 from http//home. sprynet. com/owl1/arist2. htm Iloveindia. com. (2008) Aristotle. Retrieved October 1, 2008 from http//festivals. iloveindia. com/teachers-day/famous-teachers/aristotle. html

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