Friday, January 31, 2014

Roman Empire

Roman Empire Roman empire The Romans were a ground of genius whose empire dominated the western creation for d years.(Pg. 7, Ancient capital of Italy) What made the Romans so powerful was their expression of government. It was really similar to the one that we have today, except emperors male parentt rule us. The pax romana, or the Roman Peace, gave millions of throng in Italy and surrounding areas peace. capital of Italy fell when it was invaded by overpowering tribes and groups of barbarians. Rome was first founded on the legendary date of 735 B.C. The myth of Romulus and Remus was how Rome got its name. The myth was that Mars, god of war, came down to the mortal world and met a human princess. Romulus and Remus were then born shortly after, plainly abandoned. A She-Wolf nursed them until they were old enough to be on their own. Their reverie was to make a beautiful city, and govern it and engender powerful. Romulus and Remus had an argument. Which guid e to a fight to the death. Romulus won, killing his brothe...If you want to bulge a full essay, order it on our website:

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